
How to Grow your Business with Professional SEO Services

Wed 23rd Aug 2017
How to Grow your Business with Professional SEO Services

Have internet rankings got you down? Chin up! Learn how to increase your internet presence and business sales with our professional SEO services.

SEO is one of the hottest marketing industries right now and it's worth £46 billion, and some doubt whether it will ever stop growing.

If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard of SEO, we'll take it back to the basics. SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimisation".

After telling you all about SEO and why it matters, we'll show you why you need professional SEO services to make the most of SEO marketing. SEO It is now a crucial part of growing your business and increasing your sales online. Let’s take a look at why this is and how you can get onboard.

Why it Matters?
In modern times, there is fierce competition in business. Consumer loyalty is a thing of the past. Today, the consumer knows what they want and how to find it.

SEO marketing is part of businesses adapting to this new reality.

Despite this, many experienced people in business neglect the increasing importance of SEO expertise in the modern times. By failing to fully understand the sales opportunities that SEO can grant for your business, businesses risk losing out big time.

Of course, everyone already recognizes the value of online marketing. That’s why, for many people, if a business doesn’t have a website, it simply doesn’t exist.

And yet, many businesses believe that simply having a website is enough. But, we're here to tell you, it is not. You need SEO marketing to be a successful business.

SEO is ultimately about getting increased traffic to your site. This is built on the sound assumption - the more people that visit your website, the more likely you'll make sales.

In short, increased traffic means increased sales. However, how can you bring more people to your site? There are many important aspects to consider. We'll get into them later on.

First of all, it's important to keep in mind that your website needs to be organised with content that is relevant for search engines, as well as consumers. Whether you’re an established business looking to increase your online presence, or if you’re just getting starting, you can benefit massively from professional SEO services.

Let’s take a closer look at what SEO marketing is all about.

What is SEO?
As we’ve already established, SEO is short for “Search Engine Optimisation.” But what does that actually mean?

SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of your business’ website on the results pages of search engines. As we are all very aware, consumers are increasingly shopping online for their goods and services. This has huge potential for your business too.

More people online means you have to go to them. Rather than them coming to you. But the internet is a busy place. How can your website be heard over the noise of every other website around? Of course, the first point people start at when shopping is a search engine, such as Google. The aim of SEO is to boost your ranking on this search engine results page. This means bringing your website as close to the top as possible.

The reason for this is that according to research, 33% of peopole using Google choose the top listing on the results page. That's a pretty incredible statistic.

After that, 18% goes to the second listing. And, it only decreases as you head further down the list.

There is a whole host of strategies that SEO professionals use to get your business as high up the rankings as possible.

How SEO works
SEO is changing all the time. That's why SEO strategies have to adapt to these changes. This is partly because Google and other search engines are regularly changing how their algorithms work. Despite this, some strategies are well established and remain pretty much the same. Let's take a look at the two main types of SEO:

1. On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO refers to the SEO on your website. One of the most common ways search engines rank sites is through the certain keywords on your site. The use of keywords in headings and titles is given greater weight than in the basic content.

Your chosen keywords need to be those used by internet users in search engines. They also need to be relevant to your product or service. It requires intense research to come up with the lists of keywords and phrases that are relevant for your company. That means providing content that is appealing to both search engines and consumers. It's also not as simple as packing your website with keywords. It also needs to appear natural and hidden, rather than obvious. Therefore, this has to be done in a systematic way in order to work effectively.

2. Off-Page SEO
By contrast, Off-Page SEO is use of keywords off your website. This refers to mentions of your site, name or keywords across the entire web. This also has an impact on your rankings on results pages.

This involves management of your social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You pages on these social media sites should also include your keywords and phrases. This is also a means of building up your customer base.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO are both essential to your business. If applied effectively by SEO professionals, your business will reap the benefits. Now let's look a bit closer at how your business can benefit from professional SEO services.

Why you Need Professional SEO Services
Now that you know what SEO is and how it works. It should now be clear to you that SEO shouldn’t be an afterthought. But rather, it needs to be a central part of your marketing strategy. You may be asking yourself - why do we need professional SEO services to achieve this? Surely, we can just do this ourselves? The question is a matter of time and patience. SEO is a process which requires expertise to bring your site to that top spot.

Any successful and comprehensive SEO marketing strategy requires experienced SEO experts. These professionals have the authority to implement the SEO marketing instruments and tactics. Finally, they can design an SEO strategy that meets the needs of your organization, making it easily implementable for you.

Another important point is that SEO marketing is not a one-time thing. Instead, it’s a continuous strategy that needs to be constantly adapted to keep up with emerging trends in the industry. SEO consultants can do this better than you.

It’s true that SEO is not brain surgery. However, it is a technical process and the application of it requires a thorough understanding of the industry. That’s why professional SEO services are in high demand at the moment.

The Benefits of Hiring an SEO Company
When hiring an SEO professional, it’s important to establish what they are going to do for your business. It could be disastrous for you to hire a professional who over promises and doesn't deliver. This wastes both your time and money. However, the benefits can be difficult to judge during an SEO campaign. In fact, it’s usually not clear whether an SEO campaign has been successful or not until the results come in later.

If you're wondering how to find out what professional SEO services could do for you and how they could provide for your business.

SEO Marketing Strategy
SEO services provide your business with a comprehensive marketing strategy for applying the most advanced and proven SEO tactics. This is in contrast to the theoretical nonsense about SEO that is abundant on the internet.

Digital Techniques
They will provide you with advice on how digital techniques to optimise your online presence and website, including social media management. This will further boost traffic to your website.

Plans and Budgets
Professional SEO services also have expertise on how to design business plans and annual budgets for SEO services.

Customised SEO Strategy
They provide a customized SEO strategy suited to your business. There isn’t an exact blueprint for SEO, that’s why SEO consultants concentrate on designing tailor made SEO solutions for you.

Get in Touch with Us
So, now you know what SEO marketing is and why it matters. Are you considering hiring professional SEO services? If you're going to take SEO seriously, you really need to work with experts and professionals who are able to build your website and your brand through SEO marketing.

With our help, you'll see steady traffic on your site increase. We know how to use on-page, off-page, keywords, and more to make your SEO campaign a success.

SEO professionals can make the difference to your business today. Get in touch to find out more.