
10 Reasons To Hire A Digital Marketing Specialist

Wed 24th May 2017
10 Reasons To Hire A Digital Marketing Specialist

Digital marketing is a great way to attract people to your business. Keep reading for 10 reasons your business should hire a digital marketing specialist.

Managing one’s online marketing can be a very difficult task. This is why it can be very beneficial to work with a digital marketing specialist.

Digital Marketing is a great way to attract people to your business. Read on to learn about the top ten reasons why your business should hire a digital marketing specialist.

They Are Affordable
When managing a company you always need to pay attention to the cost. What if we told you that in-house teams can actually be more expensive than hiring a digital marketing specialist? Just think about all the roles you will need to fill.

Digital marketing agencies provide social media experts, website designers, analysts, writers, and the list goes on. Hiring each of these individuals can take a lot of valuable time away from your business. Hiring an expert for each role can also cost a lot of money.

Over time, if you’re not careful hiring individual experts can drain your marketing budget!

And what if w told you that digital marketing agencies already have the team all set? It’s often less expensive using a digital marketing agency because they can provide a full team for you. Many times at the same cost for a single expert.

A digital marketing specialist knows how to choose the cheapest and most reliable team for your needs. Digital marketing agencies may have reduced rates as well as customised packages you can take advantage of. The amount of money you save will allow you to focus more on the campaigns than the staff. You can use this money to bring customers to your business.

If you are still considering an in-house team, it’s best to hold this off until later. The hardest stage is setting up and finding marketing strategies that work. Once you have a foundation, you can always return to see if a more personalised team is better for your needs.

Saving money which means you can make even more money! Using a digital marketing specialist can maximise your company’s profitability.

A Digital Marketing Specialist Is Experienced. Using digital marketing agencies means you know they already have years of experience to pull from.

These agencies have worked with various industries and know from experience what strategies work for each. This minimises the trial and error process your company will need to go through.

Digital agencies have processes and techniques that they know works to create buzz. They know your industry and what marketing methods best targets your customers. Their wide list of clients means that they also know what to focus on to see the best results.

There are guidelines that marketing campaigns must follow. Neither you or a more individualised team may know what these guidelines are or how to keep up to date with them. A digital marketing specialist lives around these guidelines.

Digital marketing agencies are continuously working with many industries, this keeps them at the top of their game all of the time. In-house employees are focused purely on your company, which means they may not be as up to date.

They Work with a Team of Industry Professionals
Do you want to have an A-Team that can deliver guaranteed results?

Hiring individual employees comes with the risk of not hiring the right person for the job. This error can result in wasted time. Even worse, it could result in a loss of business from having a backfiring marketing strategy.

Digital marketing agencies have teams of professionals that already set up that show results that matter. Using a well-oiled machine instead of starting from scratch saves you a lot of potential heartache and risk.

In-house teams may only have one expert assigned to each task. Digital marketing agencies are team-focused. Rather than one expert, you will have many focused on each individual aspect of your campaign!

Having a marketing strategy handled by many experts means your campaign will have more precision at every level. Just because somebody's great at writing blogs doesn’t mean they’ll be great at writing tweets. They have someone who knows each. Smaller teams ensure that each task is handled by the best person in the field.

They Have the Right Tools
The market is filled with technology making it difficult to know what tools work the best. These tools can also cost a lot of money, draining one’s marketing budget. Digital marketing agencies already have the right technology.

Some of these companies even have teams that work on developing new technologies. This will help to keep you at the forefront of innovation.

Can Track Data for Better Results
The most important aspect of a marketing campaign is being able to analyse the results.

These measurements tell you if your campaign is working. Being able to understand and use this data can result in success even with a campaign that’s off to a rocky start.

In-house marketing teams have a harder time measuring results because they don’t have all of the information. Digital marketing agencies are surrounded by results due to their many clients. This ensures they have an easier time of measuring and comparing results to find ways to improve your campaign.

Digital marketing agencies centre their campaign around results. They know what strategies have worked for other customers and what adjustments have helped in the past. This experience makes thesm the best equipped to use measurements to lead to success.

Know the Customer
Marketing strategies that know the customer are the ones that work.

You need to know what people respond to and the levels of their response with different marketing methods. You need to be able to segment the audience by age, gender, race, religion, sexuality, location, relationship status, and this is only the basics!

The good news is that a digital marketing specialist spends their time surrounded by client data. They have experience dealing with your industry and seeing how customers have responded to their campaigns. This means digital marketing agencies come pre-equipped with a good understanding of general consumer behaviour.

A digital marketing specialist offers a fresh perspective on your business. While you and your employees may be biased about the products and services that your company offers, the strategist won’t be. Digital marketing agencies can view and market your business from the point of view of the consumer!

Know Your Competitor

An essential aspect of marketing is being able to rival your competitor. Luckily, digital marketing agencies have tons of experience in your field. They may even have experience with your competitor that can be used to give your business a leg up!

Digital marketing strategists are surrounded by marketing campaigns related to your industry. This means they know what your competition is doing and what works for them. This also means they know what doesn't work for your competition as well.

Tracking competitors can be a difficult task for in-house teams. Digital marketing agencies solve this through using tracking tools to follow your competition. They can see what's working and put in place strategies by studying the customer behaviour of your competitor.

Social Media Savvy

The world of social media is continually envolving. What works today may not work tomorrow. This is why it is crucial to keep up to date for social media strategies to work.

A digital marketing specialist lives and breathes social media. Strategists know the latest trends, best social media marketing methods, and policy changes that could impact your campaign. They can bring their expertise in using sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest to help your business grow.

For a social media campaign to work you need to know what, when, and where to post. Just posting isn't going to make a difference. Depending on the platform, one technique may not work for the other. Social media strategists know the best strategies that can drive traffic to your business.

Performs Website Management
Just having a website doesn’t automatically mean that people will see it. While keywords are important to driving traffic, they aren’t everything and can change on a daily basis. In order to have a working website, it needs to keep up with a continuously changing web.

Luckily, a digital marketing specialist knows how to build the best websitefor your company that will bring you business. They not only know how to give you social media traction, but also how to optimise search engines to better find your site!

Digital marketing agencies provide technical experts that can develop your site from the ground up. They know the essential elements of successful sites. They also know how to track traffic and use the data to keep improving upon your site.

Delivers Fast Results
Digital marketing agencies are built around fulfilling client requirements within days or weeks. Strategists are available at any time you need them to help grow your business. This gives your business more scalability and room to grow so that you can focus on the other important aspects of your business.

These are just ten of the benefits that a digital marketing specialist can bring to your business. Contact us today to discover what we can do for your business!